Functions: From Tables to Graphs

Making a Table of Values

I know you're expecting a math lesson -- but instead, let's do some carpentry followed by a little graphic design -- activities governed by mathematics. After all, the first law of carpentry is

measure twice -- cut once --

that sounds like math to me.

"Carpentry??" you ask --

"Yes. We're going to build a table."

"Right! And the graphic design??"

"We'll make a picture (graph) of the data in the table."

OK? -- here goes.

Say Poor Shnook is a glob salesman who makes $5 for every glob he sells. Let's make a table of values to represent his sales income from the sale of 0, 1, 5, or 10 globs.

We'll let x = the number of globs sold and

E(x) = his income.

x = 0 1 5 10
E(x) = $0 $5 $25 $50

There, the carpentry's done, now for the graphic design.

Each column in the table is an ordered pair -- otherwise known as a point. So let's make a picture of the points (0, 0) (1, 5) (5, 25) (10, 50)

This function machine transforms a number of globs into Poor Shnook's income.

If he was selling his globs by weight at $5/Kg, then we would let x = the weight of globs sold. Now, we would join the points with a continuous line to represent the income from any weight, (say 13.45 kilos), of globs.

In this case, E(x) would be:

E(x) = 5x; x > 0; x belongs to R

Now, x can take on any Real Value as long as it is positive ( > 0 ).

It's against the law to sell negative quantities of globs.

This function machine transforms a weight of globs into Poor Shnook's income.

Note: even though the graph is a line, we refer to it as a curve. It's just a linear curve.

This is a direct variation linear function.

Its function rule is of the form f(x) = mx,

m is the slope, and since b = 0,

it passes through the origin.

Now, Poor Shnook gets tired of selling globs, so he becomes a cab driver.

He charges $2 per kilometer with a $3 pick-up-fee. (the meter starts at $3)

Let's make another table for his cabby income from a 0, 1, 5, or 10 km trip.

We let x = trip distance (in km)

so E(x) = income ($)

x = 0 1 5 10
E(x) = $3 $5 $13 $23

The points indicated here are (0, 3) (1, 5) (5, 13) (10, 23) -- let's graph them.

The lesson to learn from this graph is:

Scale the y-axis according to the slope of the line, not the y-intercept.

It's very easy to indicate the y-value of the starting or initial point, but as we see here, it's not so easy to indicate exact values on the line when we base our scale on b rather than m.

This is a partial variation linear function.

Its function rule is of the form f(x) = mx + b, (m = 2, b = 3)

the "mx" is the part that varies -- the b is constant.

m is the slope, and since b is not = 0,

it does not pass through the origin.

This line cuts the y-axis at (0, 3)

This line doesn't really reflect Poor Shnook's cab income, since the meter doesn't calculate the cost of every teeny-tiny decimal part of a kilometer. It adds a fraction of $2 every fraction of a kilometer travelled. That's exactly why each increase is a jump of a fixed amount instead of a constantly rising continuous increase like the line above.

Normal taxi meters tally 1/8 of a kilometer -- but this is Poor Shnook's cab -- so it only tallies every quarter of a kilometer -- which, at $2/km comes to $0.50 per quarter kilometer.

Let's make another table. (All this carpentry....)

We'll let d = distance travelled in kilometers,

f (d) = taxi fare in dollars

d = 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25
f (d) = $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.50

This data or set of points describes a Greatest Integer (or Step) Function,

a piecewise defined function whose graph looks like steps.

Notice that f (d) remains constant over an interval of d-values -- say from 0 to 0.25.

Since d is the number of kilometers and our increase interval is every quarter of a kilometer, we'll multiply d by 4 to have the number of quarter kilometers. Then we'll multiply that value by $0.50 -- the price per quarter kilometer.

The function rule (in Standard form) for this table's data is:

Its graph resembles steps moving upward. Each step will be ¼ of a kilometer long horizontally and the vertical separation between the steps will be 50 cents or $0.50.

For more information on this family of functions, see the lesson on the Greatest Integer Function in this MathRoom.


from data to table to graph practice solutions



1) Make a table of values for each function below with x = 0, 1, 3 and 5.

a) f (x) = – 3x + 7 b) g (x) = 2 – x 2 c) h (x) = x 3 + 1

2) Uncle Norman rents a vehicle from "Hope-U-Make-It Car Rentals". It costs him a flat rate of $25/day with unlimited mileage. Considering the name of the rental company, he wisely buys insurance for $12 to cover the entire rental period. He then goes to visit his granny, spends two nights chez grandmere, and returns the car safely after exactly 48 hours.

from data to table to graph practice solutions

1) Make a table of values for each function below with x = 0, 1, 3 and 5.

a) f (x) = – 3x + 7 b) g (x) = 2 – x 2 c) h (x) = x 3 + 1
x 0 1 3 5 x 0 1 3 5 x 0 1 3 5
f (x) 7 4 2 8 g (x) 2 1 7 23 h (x) 1 2 28 126
d = 1 5 9
C(d) = $37 $137 $237

from data to table to graph practice solutions

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