Orthogonal Projections


We are given 2 vectors u and v . We want to decompose vector u into
2 orthogonal vectors w1 and w2 such that w1 lies on v and w1 + w2 = u.

Here's what we know.
w1 is a scalar multiple of v so it can be written as kv.
If we can find k, we'll have what we need.
w1 + w2 = u, and w2 is orthogonal to v which means that w2 $ v = 0.

So, w1 = kv, and u = w1 + w2 = kv + w2
Now, we express u $ v as (kv + w2)$ v = kv$ v + w2 $ v
But, w2 $ v = 0 since they are orthogonal vectors.
Therefore u $ v = kv $ v + 0, and solving for k, we get


Note: the majority of math text books write this formula as

but since v $ v = || v ||², and the formula is easier to remember when
both numerator and denominator are dot products, I prefer the former. Both are correct.

Note: w1 is called the projection of u on v, denoted proj vu.
w2 is called the component of u orthogonal to v.


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