Solutions 2008 Part B

Solutions Part B:

11) A line and a parabola intersect at points A and C. Their equations are:

5x – 4y + 48 = 0 and y = 0.25x² – 7x + 41

Solution: We need the x value at A and the y value at C for the coordinates of B.

12) What is the result of (6x³y³ – 11x²y² + 18xy – 5) ÷ (3xy – 1)


13) In the Cartesian plane, function f is a straight line that passes through A(0, 9) and B( t, – 90).
This line is parallel to another line whose rule is g(x) = 3x – 16

Soln: since the lines are parallel, their slopes must be equal.

14) The rule of function g is g(x) = p x² + r x – 36, where p and r are not equal to zero.

Soln: We have a parabola opening upwards with zeros at – 6 and 10,

15) Triangle PQR has these characteristics:

Soln: We have an isosceles triangle with equal sides PQ and PR.

16) In quadrilateral ABCD, line segments TU and VW intersect at S.

Step 1 Quadrilateral AVST Quadrilateral CWSU Given
Step 2
Because corresponding angles in congruent figures are congruent.
Step 3 AB // DC
AD // BC
Because alternate angles are equal, so lines are parallel.
Step 4 ABCD is a parallelogram Because the opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel.

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