Grade 9 : Math 306 - 3000


Topic 1 Real Numbers                                                                    Topic 6 Area and Volume of Solids             

  Pythagorean Theorem                                                                      Area of solids

  Rational Numbers                                                                              Area of decomposable solids

  Irrational Numbers                                                                             Volume of solids

     Real numbers                                                                                     Volume of decomposable solids

     Intervals                                                                                             Missing measures of a solid

  Natural number exponents

  Negative exponents                                       

  Scientific notation                                                                           Topic 7 Isometry and similitude

  Rational number exponents                                                             Isometric figures similar figures

                                                                                                                                  Isometric solids similar solids


                Topic 2 Algebraic Expressions

  Monomials                                                                                        Topic 8 - Probability

  Monomial operations                                                                        Basic counting principle

  Polynomials                                                                                        Permutations and combinations

  Polynomial operations                                                                      Probability of events

                                                                                                                  Random variables


                Topic 3 Equations and Inequations

  Exploring Equations                                                                        Topic 9 Statistics

  Inequations                                                                                        Statistical surveys

                                                                                                                  Statistical tables and diagrams

  Sampling techniques

Topic 4 - Relations and Functions                                                      Source of bias

  Relations and functions                                                                   Measures of central tendency

  Modes of representation of a function                                          Measures of position: quartiles

  Rate of change of a function                                                           Measures of dispersion

  Constant function and linear function                                           Box-and-whiskers plot

  Finding the rule of a linear function                                               Stem-and-leaf plots        

  System of 1st degree equations with 2 variables                                        

     Changing the parameters of a linear function           

  Rational functions          

  Inverse of a function                                                      



Topic 5 Solids                                                                  

     Views of a solid                                                               

     Perspectives of a solid

     Prisms Pyramids Cylinders

