1) Simplify: (answers must have only positive exponents.)

a) 5a 3 x 4 b) y 2 z 2 c) 1
d) (8x12 )/ y 9 e) f) (12n 8 y 4 )/m 2
g) 1 h) 12m 3 i) 1/mn2


2) Evaluate these expressions :

a) b) c) y 5 / (11x 8 )
d) e) f) x3
g) 30 h) i) 25


3) Multiply or divide these expressions and collect like terms :

a) 6x2 + x 15 b) 12x2 + 4x + 8 c) 4x2 14x3 8x4 d) 5x3 – x2 – x
e) 4x7y + 2x 2 y4 1 f) 2x2 3x + 50 g) – x6 + 4x3 – x2 x 1  


4) Solve these equations :

    4(x + 7) + 12(x – 1) = 6
    4x + 28 + 12x – 12 = 6
    16x = – 10 therefore x = 5/8
multiply through by – 6, the lcm of – 3 and 2

expand the brackets,

collect like terms and solve for x.

    14(2x) + 10(3x) = 35x – 70
    28x + 30x – 35x = – 70
    23x = – 70 therefore x = 70/23
multiply through by 70, the lcm of 5, 7 and 2

expand the brackets, transpose 35x

collect like terms and solve for x.

    2x – 5 = 2(8 – x)
    2x – 5 = 16 – 2x
    4x = 21 therefore x = 21/4 = 5.25
multiply through by 6

expand the brackets,

transpose – 2x and – 5, collect like terms

solve for x.

d) 2x(x –7) + 3(x 2 – 4x + 2) = 5(5 + 5x + x 2)

2x² – 14x + 3x² – 12x + 6 = 25 + 25x + 5x²

2x² + 3x² – 5x² – 14x – 12x – 25x = 25 – 6

    – 51x = 19 therefore x = 19/51
expand the brackets

transpose variables,constants, collect like terms,

solve for x.

5) Solve these word problems with a chart for all and a diagram where needed :

coin number value
nickels 2x 5(2x)
dimes x 10x
quarters 3x/2 25(3x/2)



item amount unit price value
almonds 100kg 2.25 2.25(100)
cashews 400kg 1.90 1.90(400)
mixture 500kg x 500x



item amount unit price value
pistachios 200kg 3.50 3.50(200)
peanuts x 1.00 x
mixture 200 + x 2.20 2.20(200+x)


d) Mike's father's age is now 5 times Mike's age. Five years ago, Mike's father was 10 times as old as he was then. How old are they now?

person age now age 5 yrs. ago
Father 5x 5x 5
Mike x x 5



person dist. rate time
Ryan 120x 120k/h x
Norman 130x 130k/h x



class $ frequency cumulative frequency relative frequency % midvalue subtotal
[15, 25[ 2 2 5.7 % 20 40
[25, 35[ 10 12 28.6 % 30 300
[35, 45[ 12 24 34.3 % 40 480
[45, 55[ 6 30 17.1 % 50 300
[55, 65[ 5 35 14.3 % 60 175
total 35 35 100 %   1,295


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