
Grab pencil and paper. In a column, list the numbers 1 to 10.

Speak the question out loud, calculate the answer in your head, then write your answer.

Calculators are not allowed. All calculations must be done in your head and not on paper!


1) A washing machine repair shop charges $25 per hour and a $30 travel charge. How much will a 4-hour repair job cost?

2) If n = 7, what is the value of 5n + 3?

3) Find an algebraic expression in x and y to represent the perimeter of this figure.

4) What is the value of n if ?

5) Calculate 10% of 240.

6) Find the value of x in this proportion:

7) If 5 popsicles cost $1.25, what is the unit rate?

8) If $50 is 25% of the price of new roller blades, how much do they cost?

9) Collect like terms to simplify ......... 4n + 7 + 5n – 12

10) Find the value of x in the equation ......... 5x + 20 = 25


1) $130 2) 38 3) 3x + 2y 4) n = – 12 5) 24
6) x = 4 7) 25¢ each 8) $200 9) 9n – 5 10) x = 1

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