rational equations

Rational Equations (fractions)

There are two types of equations with rational expressions or fractions. The 1st type have constants or real numbers as denominators and the 2nd type have variables in the denominators.

Equations which have constants or real numbers as denominators are solved easily if we
multiply through by the lowest common multiple (lcm) of the denominator constants.

Once you've done this, the equation becomes a linear or quadratic equation which can be solved using one of the techniques described in those lessons. (6.1 and 6.2)

Rational equations which have variables in their denominators are solved in a similar manner, however we must check that none of our solutions make any denominator equal zero since division by zero is undefined. If one or more of our answers make some denominator equal zero, we must eliminate those values from the solution set.

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examples with constant denominators


4(x + 5) + 12(2) = 3(x + 16)

4x + 20 + 24 = 3x + 48

4x 3x = 48 20 24

x = 4


The lcm of 3 and 4 is 12.

Multiply through by 12.

Remove brackets

Transpose, collect like terms and solve.


2(2z 4) + (z 5) = 2

4z 8 + z 5 = 2

5z = 15

z = 3


Multiply through by 6 the lcm.

Remove brackets.

Transpose, collect like terms and solve.


4(x2 x) 3(x2 x) 2 = 0

4x2 4x 3x2 + 3x 2 = 0

x2 x 2 = 0

(x 2)(x + 1) = 0

x = 2 or x = 1

c) The lcm of 3, 4, and 6 is 12.

Multiply through by 12,

Remove brackets, collect like terms.

Solve by factoring the trinomial.

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examples with variable denominators


4(m 2) = 3(m 1)

4m 8 = 3m 3

m = 5


The lcm is (m 2)(m 1).

Multiply, remove brackets, transpose, solve.

Check that m = 5 doesn't make any

denominator = zero.


(3s + 5)(2s 1) = (2s + 3)(3s 2)

6s2 + 7s 5 = 6s2 + 5s 6

2s = 1

s = ½


The lcm is (2s + 3)(3s + 5).

Multiply through by the lcm, remove

brackets, collect like terms and solve.


(x + 2) = x

0 = 2

no solutions


We factor the denominators

the lcm to be x(x 2)(x + 2).

Multiply by the lcm and get a statement

which cannot be true. This equation has

no solutions since 0 cannot equal 2.


m + 1 = 2

m = 1

If m = 1, then (m 1) = 0 and

(m2 1) = 0

therefore there are no solutions.


We factor the denominators

the lcm is (m 1)(m + 1).

Multiply by the lcm, transpose and solve.

Check if m = 1 makes any denominators = 0.

It makes both denominators = 0, therefore there are no solutions.

examples-1 examples-2 practice solutions


Solve the following equations. Check your answers.





5) What number must be added to both numerator and denominator of the fraction to change its value to ?

6) Find 3 consecutive even integers such that one-quarter of the 1st, plus one-third of the 2nd, plus one-fifth of the 3rd equals 14. (hint: to get from one even integer to the next, add 2)

examples-1 examples-2 practice solutions


Solve the following equations. Check your answers.


4(2x 3) = 3(x + 4) 12(2)

8x 12 = 3x + 12 24

5x = 0

x = 0


8(x + 3) = 4(3x 5)

8x + 24 = 12x 20

4x = 44

x = 11


x + 2 + 7x2 14x 26 = 0

7x2 13x 24 = 0

(7x + 8)(x 3) = 0 becomes x = 8/7 or x = 3


8a 32 a2 + 3a = a2 9a + 18

2a2 20a + 50 = 0 is a2 10a + 25 = 0

(a 5)2 = 0 becomes a = 5

5) What number must be added to both numerator and denominator of the fraction to change its value to ?

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